10 Products That Are a Rip-off

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20110505- RD- LSC-0934

Photo by USDAgov

5. Free Range Cage Free Eggs

Free range, cage free eggs became popular as animal rights activists targeted commercial egg farmers claiming that the farms are cruel to the hens, keeping them in small cages never allowing the hens feet to touch the earth. In order to comply with the new humane regulations the commercial farms had to provide the chickens with so many hours of recreation time on the ground. This sounds like a great idea but in reality what happened was the farms moved the chickens to the floor of the giant barns they were housed in causing more health problems for the birds because now they were living in closer contact than before so disease ran rampant through the barns.This does not make for healthier eggs, yet consumers pay twice as much for eggs marked as free range cage free.

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