10 Myths About FDR and The Great Depression

10 Myths About FDR and The Great Depression

Photo by woodleywonderworks 1. Government Spending Ended the Great Depression A commonly held belief is that government spending stimulated the economy and eventually ended the Great Depression. Reality is excessive government spending took badly needed resources from the private sector and spent them on insolvable government programs and jobs that produced no real values. The…

How the Government Cursed Us with HFCS and How Markets Will save Us

How the Government Cursed Us with HFCS and How Markets Will save Us

I was recently disheartened by the news that Mexican Cocoa-Cola would soon be switching over from sugar as a sweetener to High Fructose Corn Syrup, like the American counterpart. The story of how Mexican Coke became popular on American shelves in a great lesson in adverse side effects and the power of market choice. Of…

20 Brilliant Ayn Rand Quotes on Capitalism and Human Rights

20 Brilliant Ayn Rand Quotes on Capitalism and Human Rights

Photo by citron_smurf 1. On the Role of Government “The recognition of individual rights entails the banishment of physical force from human relationships: basically, rights can be violated only by means of force. In a capitalist society, no man or group may initiate the use of physical force against others. The only function of the…

10 Facts about Walmart That Will Shock You

10 Facts about Walmart That Will Shock You

These Facts about Wal-Mart will Surprise You They’re one of the most hated companies. Often called “evil,” Wal-Mart is the largest retailer in the nation. Is their reputation earned or undeserved? Photo by FreeVerse Photography 1. Leading Employer of Veterans Wal-Mart has been a leading employer of veterans for some time. In 2013, the company…

Is Price Gouging Fair?

Is Price Gouging Fair?

We hear about it all the time. After a natural disaster, or during times of civil unrest such that transpired recently in Ferguson, businesses price gouge items in high demand. Water or a ride away from a dangerous area become expensive commodities. The instinct is to chastise such actions as immoral and selfish. But a…