10 Daily Activities to Break Out of the Long-term Unemployment Funk

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Photo by Toffee Maky

4. Reading/Personal development

Everyone has a voice inside their head that spends time praising and/or criticizing them at all times. When people are productive, that talk becomes more positive. When people feel as though they are not offering value, that talk can become exclusively negative. This negativity breeds more negativity, which leads to inactivity. Even when a person lands an interview, they may go in feeling badly and subconsciously sabotage their own chances of getting the position they want. It can be difficult to replace the negative self-talk with positive self-talk during difficult times, but it is possible to have competing voices, either in the form of written or spoken words, replace them. Reading or listening to the likes of Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, and others like them can help to improve a person’s state of mind.

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