Why Some Companies Like Government Regulation

Why Some Companies Like Government Regulation

The simplistic view of government regulation envisions idealistic regulators forcing regulation onto unwilling business. The reality though is that businesses often seek government regulation in order to gain unfair competitive advantages in the marketplace. Established Companies Established firms in an industry often seek regulation in order to discourage new competitors from entering the market. This…

The Unintended Consequences of Higher Wages for Fast Food Workers

The Unintended Consequences of Higher Wages for Fast Food Workers

The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) is engaged in a major campaign to increase membership by unionizing the employees of “fast food” restaurants. As part of this effort, it is providing staff, training, and funding for activists who are promoting an increase of the Federal Minimum Wage by either 50% or 100%. This increase would…

A Problem Seven Times Worse than the National Debt

A Problem Seven Times Worse than the National Debt

The national debt of the United States is barreling out of control and American politicians appear completely unwilling to anger prospective voters by honestly saying “The American taxpayers cannot afford to give you everything you want.” The US national debt is currently 16.8 trillion dollars. That number is too large for most of us to…

Understanding the Unemployment Numbers

Understanding the Unemployment Numbers

Once a month the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) publishes a report on the state of unemployment in the United States. The major news organizations scan through the report highlights looking for “the unemployment rate” so that they can announce it to their loyal audiences. The number which the BLS promotes as “official” unemployment rate…

The Stock Market is Unfair and That’s OK

The Stock Market is Unfair and That’s OK

Stock market transactions suffer from two “information asymmetry” issues. The first is that professional traders know more about almost everything related to stock trading than retail investors. This is not due mainly to academic degrees in finance; mostly it is because these guys live, eat, breathe, and sleep trading. The burn-out of full-time professional traders…

Escape from the USA!

Escape from the USA!

The failure of Detroit shows what happens when a government increases taxes and regulation beyond the point where individuals feel that they are worth putting up with. As residents abandoned Detroit for parts of the country with less onerous government, the population fell from 1,849,568 to just 713,777. Those who left were the taxpaying residents,…