10 Reasons Why Vladimir Putin is a Terrible Human Being

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Photo by news9tvcoil

10. Putin is The Main Threat to Global Peace and Stability

Not long ago one of Putin’s main media anchors went on the state-controlled TV and threatened to turn America into radioactive ash if it dares to stand in Russia’s way of becoming a great power. This is not an empty threat. Today’s Russian leaders do seem to be genuinely paranoid glory seekers who want to turn the global order upside down.

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has the potential to be a much bigger problem for world peace than even the horrific behaviour of Islamist terrorists in the Middle East and northern Nigeria. The terrorists’ actions aren’t sustainable long-term, not least because they’re death cults. Russia is a very different matter, and is therefore far more dangerous.

Putin has always seen NATO as a threat and believes they’re ready to pounce on Russia and gobble it up as soon as they see any sign of weakness. However, until Putin began his increasing probes to see how far he could push them, every NATO country had been reducing its military spending. Further, almost all of them were failing to maintain the level of military spending their membership required. It was only when Putin annexed Crimea, invaded Eastern Ukraine, and begun provocative incursions into Europe’s and North America’s airspaces and maritime territories, that they changed their behaviour.

The only language Putin understands is force and resolution. Appeasement will only embolden him to go further. The West must come to grips with the reality of a hostile neo-imperialist Russia, and be prepared to counter-strike with tighter economic sanctions, strengthening NATO alliance, and diplomatic pressure against Moscow.

Dismiss Putin at your peril.

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