8 Ways Competition Improves Your Life

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We all know how popular competitive sports are. But competition enhances our lives in so many other ways. Here are some ways which humanity’s competitive spirit has enriched your life:


1. Innovation

Competition drives innovation, meaning in order to stay ahead of the competition companies need to constantly push the envelope in terms of service and product design. Great rivalries spawn awesome products. Just look at the Sony v. Microsoft console wars. This feud of video game system developers has given us three generations (thus far) of awesome playability and amazing graphics. It isn’t as if either company can just stop innovating or they will fall behind the other. The race to one-up each other not only keeps both companies in constant development, it ensures the consumer can purchase a video game console for a much lower price than would be possible without competition. If there was only one major console developer in the game, they could charge much more and consumers would have no recourse.

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