10 Facts about Walmart That Will Shock You

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Wal-Mart Tallassee, AL 2

Photo by MikeKalasnik

3. The Leading Private Employer in the United States and the World

Wal-Mart employs an astounding 2.2 million people! 1.4 million of those work in the United States. That makes Wal-Mart not only the single largest private employer in the country, but the largest employer in the world! At a time when unemployment levels are so high, a company like Wal-Mart is invaluable to local communities and the national economy. While the company is often maligned, these 1.4 million Americans have a means to provide for themselves because of Wal-Mart. While these jobs may not start at high pay levels, they do come with fairly good benefits, and there is plenty of room for advancement. The economic activity that creates is unfathomable. Wal-Mart is a serious driver of the world economy.

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