10 Reasons Why America Truly Is Exceptional

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Portraits of Thomas Edison at Edison Birthplace in Milan Ohio

Photo by IntelFreePress

9. America is the land of exceptional innovation and invention

In the late 19th century, the U.S. surpassed Great Britain as the world’s premier economy on the strength of its innovations. These innovations spanned a wide spectrum of industries. Innovations flourished in a variety of heavy industries such as aeronautics, automobiles, defense, communications, electricity, and power generation. Innovations likewise blossomed in consumer goods and services such as shopping, photography, personal hygiene, and entertainment. The U.S. also pioneered innovations in university education, land ownership, home ownership, and individual rights. The U.S. lead in innovation has lasted through all of the 20th century and into the 21st.

The vast majority of the things which surround us today, from electrical power to airplanes, telephones and computers, were invented in the US. America remains the leading global power in the information technology, space exploration, industrial innovation, science and medicine, and it is highly unlikely that its position as the world’s brain will be challenged in the near future.

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