10 Reasons to Abolish the US Postal Service

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Photo by Rdoke

5. USPS Provides a Service No Longer Needed

Some argue that without the Post Office, people will be cut-off from vital services and information. This argument is, at best, outdated.

When the Post Office was originally envisioned, the nation was a very different place. Most US citizens lived in isolated rural communities, with unreliable means of communicating with their neighbors, much less their government. For that reason, the Post Office served as a sort of lifeline. But no longer do we live in that world. Even the most rural communities in the modern day have phones or some basic Internet access that lets them communicate with people on the other side of the planet. Millions use cars and public transportation on our massive infrastructure of roads to traverse hundreds of miles on a single tank. The only thing the Post Office still reliably connects people to is a mountain of junk advertisements for things they don’t care about.

Even if the Post Office were abolished, there would still be mail delivery. It would just be done by someone else. Preferably based on choice in a free market where different carriers have to compete for customers.

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