10 Left Wing Economic Misconceptions

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Buying local-

What the Left believes: Buying local keeps money in local economies and encourages more jobs and wealth in your community.

The Truth is: Large companies like Wal-Mart actually support small businesses by carrying their products on their shelves. Tom’s of Maine, for example, was once a small company that know has nationwide recognition due to Wal-Mart’s decision to carry their products. Wal-Mart also provides boosts to local business simply by increasing traffic. Furthermore, it has been proven that buying local doesn’t work, as it doesn’t keep your money local. As far as jobs, big stores and large chains employ more people than small businesses. Big chains like Wal-Mart are good for you and the economy.

Learn Liberty: What Should We Think About Chain Stores?
[youtube height=”HEIGHT” width=”WIDTH”]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwvscMJNM5U[/youtube]

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