10 Companies That Did Business With Nazis

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Standard Oil

Photo by Pat Hawks

4. Standard Oil

Standard Oil had a relationship with IG Farben, and as World War II drew closer, sensing that the United States might get involved in the conflict, the company signed an agreement to continue their relationship should that happen. This led to Standard oil giving the Nazis fuel for their U-boats and granting Germans first pick of oil fields. In order to stop this relationship, Nelson A. Rockefeller, whose grandfather John D. Rockefeller helped found the company that would become Standard Oil, created and published a book titled Sequel to the Apocalypse : How Your Dimes Pay For Hitler’s War. He wrote the book anonymously and sent it to American embassies around the world, shining a spotlight on the relationship between Standard Oil and the Nazi party. This ended the relationship by the time the United States declared war in 1941. Standard Oil has since been dissolved into Chevron and BP.

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