10 Government Regulations Too Stupid to Believe

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Philbrook Museum Gardens, Tulsa, Oklahoma

Photo by KristinNador

6. Gardens

Zoning laws are becoming nothing more than a way for bullies to interfere with people’s lives. This is just another example. In many communities, having a garden is a regulated enterprise. One such community in Tulsa, Oklahoma demanded all plants not for human consumption be kept under 12” tall. Even though Denise Morrison’s plants were all edible; lemon, stevia, garlic chives, grapes, strawberries, apple mint, spearmint, peppermint, an apple tree, walnut tree, pecan trees, for example, the city decided she was in violation and ripped up her entire garden while she watched in tears. She tried to get the courts involved, but they asked her to come back at a later date. Before her court date arrived, city bureaucrats had already destroyed her garden.

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