10 Reasons to Abolish the US Postal Service

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Photo by Several seconds

7. USPS Wastes Too Much

The defenders of the Post Office claim is that it’s an enormous job creator. Like any convincing lie, the best ones are based on the truth. The Post Office does in fact employee over six hundred thousand people all across the country. According to the US Census Bureau, this makes it one of the single largest employers in the country. Surely, defenders argue, if we abolish the Post Office, we’d be firing over half a million people! What kind of monster would do such a thing?!

The problem with this argument is that most of those jobs don’t really exist to begin with, and the ones that do won’t go away. They’ll simply be reorganized into the private sector. Although it has tried to reform itself, the Post Office still suffers from considerable waste. It currently operates in locations that hardly use their services, simply because half its job isn’t to deliver mail, but to employ people to sit in an office doing useless busy work. Not only is that wasteful, but it does so at the detriment of society by preventing those employees by working in more useful jobs elsewhere.

Were the Post Office to be completely privatized or abolished, there would still be some demand for their services, which the remaining carriers could only satisfy by hiring additional staff. Having plenty of experience, ex-Post Office employees would be quickly re-hired into more focused and accountable roles.

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