10 Reasons Why the US and Canada Should Form the North American Union

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no telling where the money went

Photo by Adam_T4

3. It Will Create the Largest Single Market in the World

Within the Peace Arch, each side has an iron gate hinged on either side of the border with an inscription above reading “May these gates never be closed.” But we need more than just a permanently open gate. If we want both of our countries to become even stronger and more prosperous, we need to altogether take down the gates that separate us.

The elimination of customs and border protection between the US and Canada will create the largest customs union in the world. Put together, the United States and Canada would be a colossus, with an economy larger than the European Union’s — larger, in fact, than those of China, Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea combined. We would control more oil, water, arable land, and resources than any jurisdiction on Earth, all protected by the world’s most powerful military.

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