10 Ways the Free Market Protects the Environment

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Photo by beancounter

Forest managed for harvest is called timberland, and includes 2,932,000 acres in private ownership, 146,000 acres in State ownership, 10,130,000 acres in federal ownership, and 4,551,000 acres of non-industrial timberland in private ownership. Privately owned and managed timberlands allow for continual, profitable production of timber without destroying habitats, because the owner has an incentive to protect the value of his asset. This management may involve any of several strategies, some controversial, but always with an aim to protect or increase the value of the asset. Timberlands also have multiple uses which include tourism, hiking, camping, and hunting; all of which can be a continual source of revenue for the owner if the property is properly managed. In other words, various relevant markets exist which combine to strengthen an owner’s motivation to protect his asset.

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