10 Ways to Restore America’s Overseas Image

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Beautiful and Strong

Photo by Tyfferz

3. Peace Can Only Be Kept Through Strength

Since the dawn of man, there have always been powerful civilizations which held dominion over the then known world. In all cases these nations were determined to conquer and subjugate. In maintaining its superpower status, the United States must stick to its founding principles and adhere to the precept of life and liberty. Choosing to not conquer by arms, but by the spread of this philosophy as means of promoting peace and prosperity. Thus the defense and interest of America must be best served by the spread of individual liberty throughout the world.

This requires an understanding that peace comes from strength, both military and economic. Those nations who negotiate from a position of power are more likely to achieve their goals. Paying lip-service to peace while demeaning and denigrating one’s country only serves to sow confusion, embolden despotic regimes, and put the United States at risk.

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