10 Ways to Restore America’s Overseas Image

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Liberty's watchful eye - "The liberties of our country . . ."

Photo by Al_HikesAZ

4. Democratic Ideals Must Be Based On Freedom and Prosperity

The current administration dotes on the terms democracy and self-determination. However, people do not aspire to self-determination as an end in itself; they aspire to freedom and prosperity that democracy can potentially bring about. Today United States policy is to overtly or surreptitiously back any group that claims to be part of a “democracy movement” regardless of their stated goals or background. A case in point: tacit collaboration with the Syrian rebels and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt (a known sponsor of terrorism) while ignoring those moderates in Iran trying to overturn a hostile government bent on achieving hegemony throughout the Middle East.

Thus the current administration in Washington D.C. is helping to overthrow governments in nations once allied with the United States, because of a sophomoric and naive adherence to the words and not who are behind: “democracy movements and self-determination.”

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