Regulatory Capture: Wolves Guarding Hen Houses

Regulatory Capture: Wolves Guarding Hen Houses

Regulatory Capture is a  process by which regulatory agencies become dominated and directed by the corporations or special interests they are supposed to be regulating. It’s like putting the mafia in charge of writing regulations for bookmaking. Most generally associated with Nobel laureate George Stigler and postulated as an actual theory in the early 1970’s,…

10 Historical Leaders Who Financially Ruined Their Countries

10 Historical Leaders Who Financially Ruined Their Countries

“Khufu2” by _Khufu.JPG: byderivative work: Gospodar svemira (talk) – _Khufu.JPG. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons. 1. Pharaoh Khufu of Egypt Khufu was a Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt’s Old Kingdom. He reigned from around 2589 to 2566 BC. Khufu was the second pharaoh of the Fourth Dynasty. He is generally accepted as being the…

Is Price Gouging Fair?

Is Price Gouging Fair?

We hear about it all the time. After a natural disaster, or during times of civil unrest such that transpired recently in Ferguson, businesses price gouge items in high demand. Water or a ride away from a dangerous area become expensive commodities. The instinct is to chastise such actions as immoral and selfish. But a…

The Ramifications of a Welfare State

The Ramifications of a Welfare State

The main problem with welfare such as unemployment benefits, or government handouts, is that it de-capitalizes the productive members of society and capitalizes unproductive members. The productive members are the entrepreneurs. Those who predict what goods consumers will demand in the future and produce them in the present. When the government imposes taxes, it takes…