10 Ways the Greek Government Screwed Their Economy

10 Ways the Greek Government Screwed Their Economy

Photo by Aris Gionis 1. Created a Latin American style corrupt economy The economic history of Greece is a prime example of systemic Third World level corruption and careless spending. Greece always had a very poor fiscal reputation. Ever since the US sponsored Marshall Plan in the 1940s, Greece was a constant recipient of foreign…

Trade and Commerce: the Pillars of Peace and Prosperity

Trade and Commerce: the Pillars of Peace and Prosperity

Photo by Gage Skidmore “A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.” Thomas Jefferson,…

Greco-Communism: The Cause of the Greek Economic Drama

Greco-Communism: The Cause of the Greek Economic Drama

Until recently, there was more socialism in Greece than was ever seen in the Soviet Union. Higher education, stipends and food for students was provided for free by the State. Public sector workers were entitled to  fourteen month salaries for a year’s work, in addition to social benefits and various bonuses. Job security was unrivaled,…

Incumbency Advantage: Why Incumbents Support Campaign Finance Reform

Incumbency Advantage: Why Incumbents Support Campaign Finance Reform

There’s a lot of talk about money in politics. As we have previously discussed, a lot of the concern is misplaced or based on misconceptions. The urge to construct more laws to make things fairer is a popular one among Americans. The idea is that more regulation will stem some of the money flowing into…

10 Political Terms We Should Stop Using Immediately

10 Political Terms We Should Stop Using Immediately

Language is important when communicating ideas. Often, when it comes to politics, words can be twisted, perverted, or misused in order to alter perception. Sometimes a word comes to take on a meaning so distant to its original intent, those of us left communicating ideas forced to either use the word in the new context…

But who will build the roads? No, seriously–they’re falling apart

But who will build the roads? No, seriously–they’re falling apart

America has a serious problem. It’s one that is addressed even less than our national debt. Yet if massive action isn’t taken soon, it could become a very serious public safety concern. That issue is infrastructure. Collectively, the United States receives a D+ rating on all our bridges, roadways, dams, and critical infrastructure. Most states…

Is the federal minimum wage really “the third-lowest” of developed nations?

Is the federal minimum wage really “the third-lowest” of developed nations?

Congressman David Cicilline (D-RI) has been a vocal proponent of raising the minimum wage. He claims the US’s federal minimum wage is “the third-lowest minimum wage of the countries in the OECD.” At first look, he appears correct, but there is more to it. When adjusting for purchasing power parity, the United States federal minimum…