10 Examples of Liberal Hypocrisy

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Unemployment is up. The stock market is down. Let's party.

Photo by *cHARLIe 2112(^:*

4. Barack Obama’s Transparency

Barack Obama has declared his administration the most transparent in history, but at seemingly every turn there have been efforts to prevent the public from knowing the full story. Perhaps the most famous example of this is then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s famous statement, “We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it.” While the most memorable, this is hardly the only instance in which this administration has hid from public scrutiny. Even today, the administration is keeping the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement hidden from the public, only allowing Senators to read it in limited access areas of basements and learn about it in classified briefings. Of course, obstruction on Benghazi and the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups are also as clear as mud.

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